Educators in particular must be extra careful to purchase machines that have been on the market long enough to prove reliable.
In education, 3D printers are investments. Warranties should be honored years down the road and replacement parts shouldn’t become obsolete in just a few months.
To make good on your investment, the following are just a few things to consider as you select the right 3D printer to suit your needs.
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Material Options
The material of the parts you plan to print is a major part of selecting the right 3D printer technology.
Do the parts you plan to print need to be tough and durable for testing? Or should they feature fine textures and details? How much do you care about the aesthetic appearance of your part? These are all questions that will point to one type of technology over the other.
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Also think about how your part will be used. There’s a big difference between printing a concept model and an end use part (durability, flexibility, etc.)
Ease of Use
Know how much manual configuration is expected from the user throughout the printing process for each system you are considering – and know if you will have a dedicated individual responsible for maintaining the system. 3D printers require a certain amount of upkeep and this is a necessary resource often overlooked.
Costs over Time
How much have you budgeted for ongoing costs? There are more obvious ongoing costs like consumables (material, bulbs, binders and brushes) as well as ongoing costs associated with any sort of maintenance plan that includes professional servicing of the machine when needed.
To learn more about the factors that go into purchasing a 3D printer, download our STEM Lab, Makerspace and Machine Shop Fundamentals Guidebook, which looks at the pros and cons of different types of 3D printers.