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How This School System Deployed 3D Printers District-Wide

Modernizing curriculum and introducing STEM learning initiatives can be a massive undertaking for a single school, but it can be even more challenging for an entire district.

In New Jersey, Montclair’s public school district is an example of a school system that has implemented 3D printing district-wide with great results.

The district is made up of 11 individual K-12 schools supporting 6,625 students. It partnered with MakerBot to establish the first district-wide network of desktop 3D printers, in each school, from the elementary level all the way up to Montclair State University.

Some of Montclair’s schools have explored individual initiatives in the past, like building single makerspaces, but the district became interested in a more connected solution that could facilitate STEM learning across the entire system.

Before  implementing the technology, the district was forced to answer some tough questions:

  • Can a 2nd grader and a 10th grader use the same tools for different learning outcomes?
  • How much maintenance do 3D printers need?
  • Are the 3D printers easy to set up?
  • Will the 3D printers be reliable?
  • Will all our schools have the resources they need to make the most of the technology?

We’ve discussed a lot of these questions — and others — you should ask yourself before investing in 3D printers. These concerns are only magnified when you’re talking about deployment on a larger, district-wide scale.

The great thing about MakerBot is that they offer a ton of helpful resources. Montclair teachers rely on Thingiverse Education, the MakerBot Educators Guidebook, and regular training webinars to make sure they can teach 3D printing in any subject or grade level.

Montclair’s students have the unique opportunity to experience 3D printing and 3D design from elementary school all the way through high school. Watch how the district is using its 3D printers in the video below.

You can also view a PDF of the full MakerBot Montclair School District case study here.

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Christine Archer
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