Explore the many different products we offer. From small to large, hardware to software.
Have an idea for a product you don’t see but need help designing and developing it? We can do that too.
Electrical and electronic systems represent the largest content in vehicles. Many mechanical and vacuum controls are being replaced with electrical control. The trend is for an increase in electronics usage in vehicles
Hands-on activities provide “need-to-know” reinforcement, while computer controlled diagnosis provides troubleshooting practice and competency testing
Cutaways have sections of the part cut out in order to expose the internal components. The sectioned parts are painted with different colors to differentiate the various components. The cutaways are automotive, diesel, or models
Electrical and electronic systems represent the largest content in vehicles.
Engine Performance Trainers. Including alternative fuel types like Bi-Fuel
Modern medium / heavy duty trucks are required to meet 2010 emission standards. Engines are computer controlled and include many electronic components and systems
Our systems can be used individually but connected with a network you can really tap into the power of our trainers.
Provides a solution for STEM activities and student recruitment. Includes a hands-on STEM activity to immediately implement into your program. Provides opportunity for program sponsors to advertise their business.