CNC, Engineering and Fabrication, Professional Development, STEM / STEAMMarch 7, 2017CNC Design and Fabrication, Our Workshop Recap
3D Printing, Art and Design, STEM / STEAMOctober 18, 2016Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Contest for Students
Career and Technical Education (CTE), CNC, Engineering and Fabrication, STEM / STEAMSeptember 27, 2016How to Choose a CNC Machine for Education and Training, Part 1
3D Printing, Amtek News, Engineering and Fabrication, STEM / STEAMSeptember 23, 2016MAKE Magazine: 6 Tips for Designing Your Makerspace Layout
Engineering and Fabrication, STEM / STEAMAugust 30, 20163D Design Teaching Tools for Elementary Schools
3D Printing, Events, Professional Development, STEM / STEAMAugust 25, 2016STEM Bootcamp, a County-wide Workshop for Educators
Amtek News, Engineering and Fabrication, Events, STEM / STEAMJuly 5, 2016SolidWorks Fundamentals Training for County Educators
3D Printing, CNC, Engineering and Fabrication, Professional Development, STEM / STEAMMay 17, 2016Take Our Crash Course on 3D Printing, Laser Cutting and CNC Machining