To successfully print on leather, your ink needs to become part of the very fabric and texture of the leather itself. That’s why many educators turn to Roland VersaUV flatbed technology.
Its ECO-UV ink bonds directly to the leather material and takes on its unique texture and form. Essentially, the LED lamps within the printer will dry the ink droplets immediately after they land on the material, which means they are not absorbed and do not react with the leather. Since no heat is used to dry the ink, printing on heat-sensitive materials – like leather – is no problem. Educators also have a large range of color options. ECO-UV is available in CMYK + white + gloss (clear).
Classrooms looking for cheaper alternatives to leather or prefer to go the animal cruelty free route also have plenty of options. Roland’s flatbed printers are also compatible with a wide range of faux leather materials, including PU leather, leatherette and other artificial leather products.
Here are just a few examples of what students can achieve by printing directly onto leather with VersaUV flatbed technologies.