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Inside Look: Refrigeration Cycle Experiment for HVAC-R Programs

Any Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC-R) program requires having solid programming that covers installation and repair of refrigeration systems.

We’re fans of the bench-top refrigeration cycle unit from TecQuipment because it helps students learn the stages of refrigeration at an entry level. Students learn about Pressure-Enthalpy charts and use them to determine the Coefficient of Performance (COP), superheat and sub-cooling from the enthalpy changes.

It covers the following learning outcomes:

  • Learn to use a P-h Chart
  • Determine Coefficient of Performance (COP)
  • Determine superheat and sub-cooling
  • Basic refrigeration cycle energy balance
  • Determine isentropic and non-isentropic efficiencies of the compression stage
  • Effect of heat source and heat sink temperatures on COP

The refrigeration circuit features high and low pressure gauges, a pressure switch, sight glass, filter dryer and TEV valve. The circuit also includes pressure transducers that connect to the instrumentation.

The evaporator and condenser coils are submerged in heat source and heat sink water tanks for the clear demonstration of a practical heat pump. A small pump provides a circulation of the water between the heat source and sink for steady state experiments.

Take a look at the video below to see how the training systems works.

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Christine Archer
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