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In case you missed it, Stratasys just launched a brand new all-in-one medical 3D printer.

With multiple materials and multicolor capabilities, you can create vivid anatomical models, and drilling and cutting guides that are sterilizable and biocompatible – all on a certified system. Plus, it’s economical and compact enough for small lab spaces.

It covers all applications:

  • Anatomical models for presurgical planning
  • Surgical guides and tooling for personalized patient treatment
  • Accurate anatomy for condition specific training and education on patient procedures and new medical devices
  • Highly repeatable and accurate models for medical device development

Take a look at everything it can do:

So what exactly do you need to know about this new system?

Lower total cost of ownership.

With less upfront investment and a lower total cost of ownership, MediJet is designed to maximize academic medical centers, hospitals and medical device companies’ investment in 3D printing. The cost per part is 30% lower compared to outsourcing, and the DraftWhite Material the MediJet uses is significantly lower which brings down the cost of single material applications and bulk color models. Additionally, all application needs can be met with this one platform, so there’s no need for multiple printers.

High printing volume, less handling.

The MediJet’s large tray accommodates multiple medical models in a single print, requiring significantly less handling and with a 30% faster print time than comparable printing solutions (six types of anatomical models printed with Form3(Formlabs), ProJet 3600 & ProJet 6000(3D systems), and 3DUJ-553(Mimaki)).

Additionally, GrabCAD Print software streamlines the 3D printing workflow:

  • Simplifies color assignment in your workflow by supporting 3MF files.
  • Alerts the user if there has been cross contamination with a biocompatible material.
  • Automatically corrects files and reduces print time with automatic tray arrangement.
  • Schedule and monitor the print job remotely from your mobile device or browser.
  • Calculates the time and material resources needed for production before printing.

All on a certified system.

The J5 MediJet is 510K cleared by the Food & Drug Administration for clinical diagnostic use with leading segmentation software companies. It is biocompatibility certified for limited contact to tissue and bone, and permanent contact to intact skin (ISO 10993) and for breathing gas pathways in healthcare applications (ISO 18562). MediJet models can also be sterilized using Steam, Gamma and EtO methods specific to the print material.

Want to see detailed specs or get pricing information? Just ask!

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Christine Archer
1244 Ritchie Hwy
Suite 10
Arnold, MD 21012

+1 800 926 8359

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