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Automotive Technology Lab Solutions

Please check out these sample Auto Labs for ages 16+ and let us know how we can help you.

Automotive Light Vehicle

This automotive training laboratory is designed to limit the amount of text-based learning that future automotive technicians complete and replaces it with interactive experiences and skills practice across all the vehicle systems including engines, braking, steering and suspension, air conditioning, and transmission systems.


An LJ Create Automotive Lab is a complete solution built around a managed interactive curriculum, a wide range of hardware trainers, including engine trainers and electronic systems panel trainers with fault insertion, in fact, everything you need to prepare your students for ASE industry certification.

These labs can be customized to meet the needs of your program with a focus for example, on auto electronics, engine performance, or diagnostic testing.

Automotive Medium/Heavy Vehicle

Medium/ Heavy Vehicle Lab is designed to maximize the time students spend in understanding and developing skills through diagnostics and fault-finding techniques.

The aim of the Medium/Heavy vehicle lab is to help you develop skilled technicians with a solid understanding of heavy vehicle technology and fault-finding techniques.

Students have access to electrical and electronic systems panel trainers with fault insertion, working engine trainers, 24 V electrical trainers, airbrake trainers, and sectioned systems.

Our educational automotive labs can be customized to meet your career and technical education (CTE) training requirements or workforce development needs.

Electric Vehicle Technology

The aim of our Electric Vehicle Technology lab is to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to maintain and repair Electric and Hybrid vehicles.

We provide instruction at three levels:

1. Complete Vehicle Systems
These are based on large panel trainers that illustrate the operation of complete EV and Hybrid Vehicle systems.

Students can “operate” each type of vehicle, measure what is going on during the various modes of operation, and troubleshoot common problems.

2. Common EV Sub-Systems
Panel trainers provide each student with underpinning knowledge and troubleshooting experience with the most critical EV sub-systems such as:

  • Motors and Drives
  • Batteries
  • Charging Systems

3. EV Electrical and Electronics Fundamentals
A desktop training system provides very specific instruction and practice in the basic skills that are going to be required by students as they complete their studies.

Topics covered include:

  • Circuit Protection
  • Conductors, Insulators, and Earth Return
  • Voltage, Current, Resistance, and Power Calculations
  • DC and AC Signals… and much more!

Every Smart Lab includes:

Innovative Hardware

Real-world trainers with hands-on activities + Design, prototyping and modeling kits + Desktop fault-finding trainers

Online LMS and lesson libraries

10,000+ digital lessons + Tracks and records student progress and attainment + Curriculum aligned to academic standards

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Ongoing support from LJ Create + Training and professional development


LJ Create produces blended-learning teaching resources in the form of hardware, software, and eLearning curriculum. Our vast online STEM curriculum has been organized into digital libraries so you can choose the courses that best suit your needs, from elementary STEM and career exploration through middle school, high school, and college.

The benefits of the annual licenses are:


  • Extensive content library is continuously updated and expanded to align with technology or topical changes.
  • Exciting, interactive Investigations
  • Easy-to-follow lessons
  • Content designed to support teaching staff ā€“ teach just what you want
  • Granular content that can be configured to match learning objectives
  • Multi-platform compliant
  • Integrated performance assessment
  • Audio support for every lesson
  • On-screen skills practice
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