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Logistics Training Solution Teaches Supply Chain Automation

The accelerated use of automation technologies within the material handling industry presents the need for a much larger pool of highly skilled supply chain automation technicians.

That’s why Amatrol and the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) recently teamed up to create a new logistics training solution — Skill Boss Logistics (95-MSB3).

This system is a working automated distribution system that performs real-world operations, such as package tracking, automatic package queuing and priority release, electro-pneumatic sorting, vertical package sorting, conveyor materiel handling, jam sensing, and product gap optimization.


In conjunction with this training solution, MSSC is offering 3 full certifications under the heading, Certified Technician in Supply Chain Automation (CTSCA):

  1. Certification in Maintaining Equipment/Systems: CTSCA – EM
  2. Certification in Installing, Modifying, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Equipment/Systems: CTSCA – ER
  3. Certification in Installing, Modifying, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Basic Controllers and Networks: CTSCA – NR

The CT-SCA program is an industry-led standards-based training, assessment, and certification system focused on the core skills and knowledge needed by the nation’s logistics workforce. Individuals who earn all three certifications receive a full “Automation Master” recognition award.

Robust Curriculum

Like all of Amatrol’s learning systems, Skill Boss Logistics includes eLearning curriculum that features videos, audio voiceovers, 3D animations, and interactive quizzes and activities.

The interactive multimedia curriculum focuses on a variety of industry-needed skill areas, including package data tracking and control, package re-circulation, and 2D barcode tracking.

Real-world Industrial Components Learners Will Encounter On-the-Job

The system includes a variety of supply chain automation components, including multiple types of conveyors, electro-pneumatic sorters, a vacuum, and much more.

These components, which range from AC/DC Electric Motors to a Variable Speed Distribution Conveyor, will not only give learners a familiarity boost in the field, but helps them clearly display their expertise in this space with highly-effective hands-on tools.


Skill Boss Logistics will be officially unveiled at the Material Handling Industry Expo in Atlanta this week. Contact us for detailed pricing.


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Christine Archer
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