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MSSC Certifications

As the leading certifying body for the nation’s front-line manufacturing production and supply chain logistics technicians, MSSC’s® certification programs allow students to endorse their expertise in these career paths. 

Why Choose MSSC Certification Programs?

MSSC’s certification programs are designed to equip students and employees with the core skills and competencies needed to be stand-out candidates to future employers. Employers can be confident in the industry-relevant knowledge and abilities of their employers who have passed our certification exams. Other key benefits of MSSC’s certification programs include: 

  • Availability nationwide
  • Nationally accredited
  • Federally recognized
  • Always up to date
  • Time and cost-effective for students
  • Articulates between high schools and colleges
  • Easily integrated into apprenticeship and internships
  • Customizable at the community level 
  • Improved employee performance and retention
  • Reduced recruitment and training costs

Certified Production Technician (CPT) 4.0 and CPT+ Skill Boss

The Certified Production Technician (CPT) 4.0 certification program recognizes individuals who demonstrate mastery of the core competencies of advanced manufacturing production at the entry-level to front-line supervisor through successful completion of the certification assessments.

Built upon MSSC’s CPT 4.0 Certification, the CPT+ Skill Boss program is designed to prepare certificants with the next generation skills to work in a computer-driven, data-intensive advanced manufacturing workplace. This program centers around Amatrol’s Skill Boss, a hands-on training and assessment device that enhances the skills needed in a computer-driven, data-intensive advanced manufacturing workplace.

Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) 4.0​

MSSC’s Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) 4.0 ® certification programs provide individuals with the resources to increase their career opportunities as logistics technicians. The program consists of two parts: the Foundational-Level Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) ® Certificate and the Mid-Level Technical CLT Certification (CLT).


Certified Forklift Technician (CFT)

MSSC’s Certified Forklift Technician (CFT)® program equips individuals with the core competencies needed in the maintenance, service, and repair of forklift vehicles. Through this program, individuals will be able to find higher paying jobs in the materials handling industry as a certified forklift technician. 

Certified Technician-Supply Chain Automation (CT-SCA) & Skill BOSS-Logistics

MSSC’s Certified Technician-Supply Chain Automation (CT-SCA)™ program prepares technicians who install, operate, support, upgrade, and maintain the automated material handling equipment and systems that support the supply chain. This program has three separate certificates available.


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