Ultimately, you want to make sure your tool has adequate air flow under its base. This allows the vacuum to flow through the vacuum holes in the tool across the base and then directly down the main vacuum hole in the table/baseboard.
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It also allows the release air to travel up through the vacuum hole in the table across the underside of the tool, up through the vacuum holes and against the underside of the vacuum forming.
Some vacuum forming machines have the auto level and pre-stretch exit through the vacuum hole in the table. Raising the tool rather than drilling vacuum holes all-round the perimeter means that the air flow is greatly increased helping with the vacuum and the release.
[one_half_last valign=”top” animation=”none”]
Formech has some great patterns, molds and images that explain different tool mounting methods, including:
- Different baseboard materials, including MDF, plywood, a steel sheet and an aluminum plate
- Varying types of spacers and fixings to secure and raise tools
- How to use aluminum, resin or tooling board as an alternative to baseboards for creating an air gap
- How to mount multiple tools
Check out Formech’s diagrams and advice here.