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Certified Technician, Supply Chain Automation (CT-SCA) Training Program

MSSC’s Certified Technician in Supply Chain Automation (CTSCA) logistics certification enables both students and incumbent workers to gain the skills needed to meet the definition of a supply chain automation technician established by the National Science Foundation-funded National Center for Supply Chain Automation: a technician who installs, operates, supports, upgrades or maintains the automated material handling equipment and systems which support the supply chain.

MSSC offers three full certifications under the heading Certified Technician in Supply Chain Automation (CTSCA):

  • Certification in Maintaining Equipment/Systems: CTSCA – EM
  • Certification in Installing, Modifying, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Equipment/Systems: CTSCA – ER
  • Certification in Installing, Modifying, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Basic Controllers and Networks: CTSCA – NR

Skill Boss Logistics

At the center of this certification is Amatrol’s Skill Boss Logistics trainer. Easily transportable, the device fits easily into a company training facility or community college tech center. Its compact replication of a full-scale automated sortation system will entice many more students to pursue well-paid careers in supply chain automation.

Skill Boss Logistics is a bench-sized automated sortation system measuring a compact 34-in x 96-in. The system includes a variety of supply chain automation components, including multiple types of conveyors, electro-pneumatic sorters, vacuum, 2D barcode reader, PLC control, Ethernet network, AC and DC drives, and warehouse control software. The system also includes an innovative computerized fault insertion system to provide testing of troubleshooting skills based on realistic sortation system problems.

Another major attraction of Skill Boss Logistics is that its use leads to three prestigious and nationally-portable MSSC industry credentials. MSSC is offering three full certifications under the heading, Certified Technician in Supply Chain Automation (CTSCA):

  • Certification in Maintaining Equipment/Systems: CTSCA – EM
  • Certification in Installing, Modifying, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Equipment/Systems: CTSCA – ER
  • Certification in Installing, Modifying, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Basic Controllers and Networks: CTSCA – NR
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