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New Ways to Teach Aerospace Engineering

Lately, we have been seeing a few new ways to teach aerospace engineering. From wind tunnels to UAVs, educators are finding new and innovative ways to keep students engaged while achieving learning outcomes.

Hands-On Learning with Wind Tunnels

Although not necessarily a new concept, wind tunnels have changed and improved over time as teaching tools. Conducting aerodynamics experiments in a wind tunnel allows students to observe and measure the behavior of various airfoil shapes, wings, and other aerospace components. They can investigate lift, drag, stall characteristics, and flow patterns, gaining practical insights into fundamental aerodynamic principles.

Not only do wind tunnels provide a controlled environment for testing and optimizing wing designs (students can modify wing parameters like aspect ratio, airfoil shape, and winglets, and evaluate their impact on lift, drag, and efficiency) but they also facilitate the visualization of airflow patterns using techniques such as smoke, dye injection, or particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). Students can observe and analyze the behavior of the flow around models or objects, enhancing their understanding of aerodynamic phenomena.

The new compact open circuit sub-sonic wind tunnel training equipment from Matrix is designed for benchtop use. Suitable for college to undergraduate teaching, it features a computer controlled fan, data acquisition and multiple experimental setups, controlled by a touch screen interface and also includes LED flow visualization with a 125mm transparent test section and 25m/s wind speed.

Built in data acquisition allows users to have direct output of pressure readings from pitot static tube and pressure tapping’s. It also allows for real time lift and drag force components to be logged. Different drag shapes are provided along with multiple NACA profile airfoils. Simple thread attachment allows students to design their own test pieces for analysis. A smoke generator is also provided to create streamline smoke trails over the test objects for visualization of flow patterns.

TecQuipment also offers full scale wind tunnels ranging from 305mm to 600mm.  With the larger size comes greater visualization and more accurate results, operating at meaningful Reynolds numbers.

Data Analysis and Computational Tools

How can you introduce students to data analysis techniques and computational tools commonly used in aerospace engineering? By helping them analyze real-world data sets, perform simulations, and gain practical experience in using software packages like MATLAB or Python for aerospace-related calculations.

Matrix EFIS Trainer

The Matrix Electronic Flight Information System is a new teaching system in which students can use the  system and PC based diagnostic software to understand how complex computer based flight systems are made from separate electronic modules linked by multiplexed signals on a serial data bus – in this case the CAN bus. It consists of an EFIS with LCD display, user controls, compass sensor, altitude sensor and a Locktronics board with additional potentiometers mimicking further sensors on an aircraft.

Matrix Digital Techniques in Aviation

The Matrix Digital Techniques in Aviation solution helps students learn how digital microcontroller and microprocessor based systems and peripherals function in a modern, relevant and motivating environment. It consists of a set of microcontroller based training hardware based on their E-blocks system including a PIC micro programmer board, general purpose input output board, motors training board and a CAN bus communications interface.

Students use the Matrix Flowcode software to develop simple programs, compile and send them to the microcontroller hardware. Then they look at pre-written programs to understand how more complex systems are developed. Lastly students use prewritten programs to interface the hardware to our Electronic Flight Information System trainer using CAN bus to understand how larger more complex aircraft systems are developed.

Project-based Learning with Drones

The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry is rapidly growing, with a predicted 100,000 new jobs related to UAVs expected to flood the job market in the next few years. That’s why educators are increasingly looking to using drones as a way to incorporate hands-on projects and real-world applications into their curriculum. This allows students to design, build, and test aerospace systems, such as model rockets or drones, further allowing them to apply theoretical concepts in a practical setting.

Sacred Heart University (SHU) Engineering’s newly established Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) program recently made major investments in laboratory equipment with hopes of significant curriculum integration. In the below webinar, you’ll see how they use Quanser’s Autonomous Vehicle Research Studio (AVRS). The end result? (1) a drone-based capstone project was completed that was published in an international conference, (2) Credly certification programs were created, (3) Blackboard-based learning modules were created for sophomore/junior level engineering courses, and (4) a research team was formed working on smart vehicle applications.

The QDrone from Quanser is an example of an open-architecture, research-grade quadrotor, which was developed specifically for indoor autonomous robotics research at universities. The Quanser QBall 2 quadrotor is another example of a UAV suitable for a wide variety of research applications. It is an open-architecture, indoor rotary wing platform on which you can add other off-the-shelf sensors. Researchers can quickly develop and apply controllers and control algorithms without having to integrate disparate hardware and software resources.

As with any teaching discipline, it’s important to stay up to date with emerging technologies such as additive manufacturing (3D printing), UAVs, or electric propulsion. Educators should incorporate these topics into the curriculum to expose students to the latest advancements and potential future directions in aerospace engineering. It’s important to remember that these approaches should be tailored to the specific educational context and the needs of the students. Experimentation, adaptability, and continuous improvement are key to effectively implement new teaching methods in aerospace engineering education.

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Christine Archer
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