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Teach to Industry Certifications

Give students something they can take to employers to show they're ready to enter the workforce.

SACA Certifications prove the qualifications of future automation experts. Cover mechatronics, industrial control systems, robotics, the Industrial Internet of Things, and more.

SACA member institutions have the opportunity to become an authorized certification center, deliver free certifications to students, and be informed of latest developments in Industry 4.0 technology.

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Teach Robotics Safely

Teach Industrial Robotics Certifications Safely

The field of industrial robotics is experiencing explosive growth and companies are struggling to find enough employees with the skills needed to operate and program them.

Naturally, schools want to keep up with these workforce demands. One way we’re seeing schools do this is by teaching to national certifications, like the FANUC Certified Education programs with hands-on applied technology in robotics and advanced manufacturing.

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New UV and DTG printers

New UV Flatbed and DTG Printers for Education

Roland DGA just launched two new printers - a flatbed UV printer and a Direct-to-Garmet printer - ideal for university arts and graphics programs as well as print shops. Here’s what you need to know about both.

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AR VR Soft Skills

How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Builds Soft Skills

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are taking hold in K-12 schools and higher education institutions.

It allows students to explore all sorts of content in a more lifelike way, connect learning to real-world situations. Even when focused on STEM education and scientific applications, the impact of AR/VR learning experiences extends far beyond the actual lesson.

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Miller MobileArc

There’s a New Mobile Augmented Reality Welding Trainer in Town

Ideal for introducing students to welding, MobileArc simulates live welding at an affordable price so students of all ages can get a feel for welding, improve their skills and make informed career decisions.

The trainer is easy-to-use, portable, and affordable.

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News from our
Manufacturer Partners

STEM & Digital Fabrication

New UV Flatbed and DTG Printers for Education Link »

Hey Graphics programs, are you looking for advice on how to print onPrint on Pillows, Cushions and Fabric Decor? Here's a great resource: Link »

Lesson Plan: Designing New Foods with BlocksCAD and SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids Link »

Lesson Plan: Wearable Device with BlocksCAD and SOLIDWORKS Apps for Kids Link »

Request a sample part for the new stereolithography Stratasys Neo 3D Printer Link »


Offers & Promotions

Get 20% off Ultimaker products (while stocks last)! Link »

Get double the value when you buy new or upgrade with SOLIDWORKS Education (That's double the access to SOLIDWORKS Student Premium, certifications, access to MySolidWorks Professional for Students + cloud-based 3DEXPERIENCE) offer valid until December 31, 2021 Contact us for details »



Assitive Technology: Technology to empower people every day through Neuromaker Capstone (Oct 6) Register »

Pave Your Pathway: Building new innovative programs for your community----no matter how big or small (Oct 20) Register »

FormLabs User Summit 2021 (virtual, Oct 26-27) Get Your Free Ticket »

Beyond 21st Century Skills: The future of the workforce is now (Nov 3) Register »

Roland DGA will host several virtual & in-person vehicle wrapping workshops (Nov) Register »

SOLIDWORKS 3D EXPERIENCE WORLD (Feb 6-9, 2022) Save the Date »

Trimming Methods with your Formech Vacuum Former Watch on Demand »

Roland DGA: How to Navigate and Use R-NET Pro Watch on Demand »

Skills Based Training

5 Questions to Ask of your Manufacturing Training Program Link »

Learn more about the new MobileArc virtual reality welding training system Link »

How this high school is growing the welding workforce Link »

Can Smart Manufacturing Transform the Food Industry? Link »

Top 5 Future Smart Automation Careers in Manufacturing Link »

Transposing your student’s skills into the Smart Factory environment Link »

Switching to eLearning Due to COVID-19? Avoid These Myths About Online Industrial Training Link »




Augmented Reality Meets Welding (Sept 13) Link »

Industry Trends: Why is Pulse Welding Popular? (Oct 18) Link »

All Things Multiprocess Welding (Nov 15) Link »

Instructors Guide to GMAW Welding - Collision Repair (Dec 6) Link »

Teaching Engineering

York University Blends Hands-on Explorations with the Flexibility of Virtualization Link »

Quanser Releases New QArm Courseware Link »

The newest Advanced Hydrology and Rainfall Apparatus from TecQuipment allows you to study hydrology principles, including rainfall, through flow and movement of water over land and rivers. Watch Video »

Research on Cavity Flow Oscillations for Alternative Energy Generation Link »

A Blended Digital Approach to Practical Teaching: Oxymoron or Natural Progression? Link »

The TecQuipment Flight Demonstration Wind Tunnel is a hands-on simulator that allows students to experience a variety of practical hands-on flight simulations to investigate the behaviour of a fixed-wing aircraft and wing performance using fly-by-wire control. Watch Video»

Teaching Structures: Check out these new Digital Student Course Guides with STS Experiments Link »

Quanser realeased its new Rapid Control Prototyping Toolkit for LabVIEW Link »

Using the Reinforcement Learning Toolbox to Balance an Inverted Pendulum Link »

Best of Both Worlds: Blending Physical and Virtual Labs Link »


Offers & Promotions

Get up to 80% off any Quanser QLabs offering when you also purchase physical lab equipment Contact us for details »



Autonomous Vehicle Research using QCar (Oct 26) Registration Coming Soon »

Controls Research using Quanser Technology (Nov 30) Registration Coming Soon »

Teaching Undergraduate Controls Using Python. Should You Try It? Watch On-Demand »

Hybrid, Blended, Flipped, and Remote Labs Sound Great … But How? Watch On-Demand »

Integrating Smart Vehicles into the Undergraduate ECE Curriculum Watch On-Demand »

Industry Certifications

Three Certifications that can take your CTE Program to the Next Level Link »

Grants & Funding Resources

Partner with the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) on $500,000,000 Good Jobs Challenge Grant! Link »

Amtek Company 2021 Grant Guide Link »

Industry Certifications

How-To Post Processing Video: United States Naval Academy student discusses post processing of a Additively Manufactured components using a USNA Midshipman model as the test case Watch Video »

Amtek Company, 1244 Ritchie Hwy Suite 10, Arnold, MD, USA, 21012
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