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This month's edition of our Technical Training Report covers a variety of topics from mechatronics and CNC machining to 3D printing and laser cutting.


We recently hosted CNC Machine Workshops across Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. Check out photos and watch video tutorials from the events below.



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4 Pillars of a Successful High School Mechatronics Program

High school represents formative years when students begin to seriously explore their interests and potential career paths, which is why mechantronics is picking up steam in high schools across the country.

What goes into making your high school mechatronics program successful? Amtek's Rich Sykes offers a few key pieces of advice.

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TUTORIAL: Make a Simple Sign with a CNC Machine – Part 1

Did you miss the CNC Machine workshop we hosted a couple weeks ago? Or need help following along with your own project now that you’re trying it at school?


We recap one of the projects we completed during that workshop. In this two-part series, we focus on creating a design in QuickCAM 2D with VCarve, creating the machining plans, and posting the code out to VR Milling 5.

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How to Choose the Right Tools for Your CNC Project

When engraving text on your CNC projects, whether making a sign or personalizing a student’s piece of work, do you find yourself adjusting your design to fit the tools you have?

Instead of continually switching to smaller and smaller tools, here’s one tool that can save time so that all your students can complete their projects in one class period.

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PHOTOS: Inside our CNC Machine Training Workshops

A couple weeks ago we traveled across Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland for a series of CNC workshops.

Denford’s Technical & Production Director Steve Oddy came all the way from the UK to teach CNC machining and software design tips, and to offer project ideas for the classroom.

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PHOTOS: Inside our 3D Printing in the Classroom Roadshow

We recently hit the road to visit schools across Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland to talk 3D printing with educators.


We heard from Stratasys engineers about the latest tech and from local schools about how they've incorporated 3D printing into their program. Click through to read about the events and check out some photos.


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Tutorial: Make Custom Luggage Tags with a Laser Cutter and Corel Draw

Are you an educator just getting started with a laser system or looking to help students learn to use a laser engraver without any assistance?


Custom luggage tags are a good intro project for students because the steps are fairly straightforward and easy to learn.


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