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Open Young Minds to the Wonder of Renewable Energy Science Education

For students of all ages, there is always something new to learn about science and technology.

As the role of the educator has changed, we no longer see  ‘by-the-numbers’ teaching, but rather educators present students with real-world problems to solve. This is especially prevalent as we look at the future of renewable energy.

It is more important now than ever to teach students about the cutting edge technologies that can harness solar, hydrogen, wind, and fuel cell power just as it’s done in industry.

That’s why we’re pleased to announce that Amtek now carries a new line of renewable energy science kits from Horizon Educational.

These kits give students the creative freedom to set up experiments and see how different alternative technologies interact with each other. They can play with the angle of wind turbine blades, record the effect of partial shade on the solar panel or build their own micro grid.

It is this empowering sense of discovery that will allow students to truly understand the inner workings of renewable energy.

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These kits come in varying educational levels too. The Junior Range covers the basic key principles of solar, wind and fuel cells as well as electrochemistry, physics, engineering and other STEM concepts. These include kits like the Wind to Hydrogen Science Kit, Super Capacitor Science Kit and Fuel Cell Car Science Kit, among others.

The Advanced Range offers in-depth insight into the working of hydrogen fuel cell technology with larger kits that cover a number of science experiments and concepts.


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Fuel Cell Car Science Kit (FCJJ-11)
Fuel Cell Car Science Kit (FCJJ-11)


For example, with the Horizon Energy Box students create an entirely sustainable power grid, and with the Electric Mobility Lab  students learn to power a car with a hydrogen fuel cell (reversible and mini fuel cell), salt water fuel cell, solar energy, super capacitor and hand crank, battery, and different forms of hydrogen (hydrogen gas and hydrogen hydride).

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Horizon Energy Box (FCJJ-40)
Horizon Energy Box (FCJJ-40)


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Last – but not least – the Expert Range was made to allow teachers and students to research fuel cells as well as creating high performance applications.

What we love about all these kits is that former science teachers were involved in the creation, which means they were truly designed with the educator in mind.

They can be configured to fit within a broad range of studies, including physics, chemistry, earth science and environmental science.


Horizon has worked with clean energy experts and specialized educators to develop high value educational content and teacher manuals that bring renewable energy science activities to the classroom. Each kit includes a comprehensive textbook (CD-ROM and online) covering renewable energy science experiment manuals, teacher notes and classroom guides, animated flash demonstrations, and more.

Check out all of the kits we have to offer here.

You can also purchase kits directly from our online store.

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Christine Archer

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