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Establishing a New IT Lab at POLYTECH High School

ClientPOLYTECH High SchoolLocationWoodside, DelawareFeaturedGMI furnitureShare

Designing a U-Shaped IT Lab for an Engaging and Interactive Learning Space for POLYTECH High School’s New IT Program

POLYTECH High School, located in Kent County, Delaware, was in the process of launching a brand-new Information Technology (IT) program to meet the growing demand for skilled IT professionals. As with any new technical education program, the school faced several challenges in creating an effective learning environment that would engage students and provide the necessary resources for hands-on training. To address these challenges, POLYTECH High School partnered with us to design and build a cutting-edge IT lab that would support the program’s goals and accommodate future growth.

Challenges of Opening a New IT Program

Launching a new IT program presents various challenges, including selecting the appropriate technology, designing a space that facilitates effective teaching and learning, and planning for future growth. The primary challenge for POLYTECH High School was to create a lab environment that would be both functional and adaptable to evolving technological needs. Additionally, the school needed to ensure that the new lab could handle the specific storage requirements for IT equipment and comfortably accommodate the projected number of students over the next several years.

Project Initiation

To address these challenges, we began by collaborating closely with the IT teacher to understand his teaching goals and vision for the new IT lab. The teacher emphasized the importance of creating a dynamic learning environment that would allow for both instruction and hands-on activities. It was essential to design a space where the teacher could easily interact with students and provide personalized guidance, especially during complex IT tasks and projects.

Design and Layout Planning

After understanding the teacher’s requirements, we proposed a U-shaped classroom design. This layout positions the teacher in the center of the classroom, allowing him to engage with all students simultaneously. Students sit on stools surrounding the teacher, creating an inclusive and interactive environment where students can easily follow demonstrations and participate in discussions.

To accommodate the program’s specific storage needs, we designed custom furniture that included storage units placed along the far wall of the classroom. These units were tailored to store IT equipment, tools, and materials securely while keeping them easily accessible for students and instructors. The design also took into account the projected number of students, ensuring there was ample seating and workspace for both current and future classes. All of the furniture came from Greene Manufacturing Inc (GMI).

Implementation and Installation

Once the design was finalized, we moved into the implementation phase. Our team handled everything from sourcing the appropriate furniture to coordinating the delivery and installation process. The U-shaped design was carefully implemented to ensure that the teacher’s position in the center was both practical and comfortable for teaching.

The custom storage solutions were installed along the far wall, providing ample space to store IT equipment and supplies. Each piece of furniture was positioned according to the approved layout, creating a well-organized and efficient lab environment. The installation was completed on schedule, ensuring that the lab was ready for the start of the new IT program.


The completion of the IT lab marked a significant step forward for POLYTECH High School’s new IT program. The U-shaped layout has proven to be highly effective in promoting interaction between the teacher and students, enhancing the overall learning experience. The custom storage solutions ensure that all necessary equipment is readily available and securely stored, supporting the program’s technical training objectives.

With this new IT lab, POLYTECH High School is well-equipped to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the rapidly evolving field of information technology. The lab’s design also allows for flexibility and adaptability, ensuring it can meet the needs of the program as it grows and evolves over time.


This case study highlights the importance of thoughtful design and collaboration when creating educational spaces for technical programs. By working closely with POLYTECH High School’s IT teacher, we were able to deliver a lab environment that supports interactive teaching and hands-on learning. The successful implementation of the IT lab underscores our commitment to helping schools develop effective educational spaces that inspire and prepare students for their future careers in technology.

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