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Professional Development: Educators Get Hands-On with New MakerBot 3D Printer

Last week we joined MakerBot at Roanoke County Public Schools and Norfolk Technical Center for a couple of workshops where we gave educators exclusive hands-on experience with the new Method 3D printer.

Method is essentially a mashup of the accessibility and ease of use MakerBot is known for plus the industrial technologies and expertise from parent company Stratasys.

Attendees broke out into teams to develop a lesson plan and then we printed designs on the Method. We also had the MakerBot Replicator+ on hand so that everyone had the opportunity to compare the two systems.

We also introduced attendees to MakerBot Certification for Educators. We learned out to set up and operate MakerBot 3D printers and attendees could finish up the Curriculum Development portion of the certification at home on their own time.

Overall, it was a fun professional development experience that took 3D printing in the classroom to the next level with an exclusive educator-tailored certification component. Here are some photos from our workshops:

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Christine Archer
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