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Quality Assurance Training Solutions

Certify Students Today!

Amatrol’s quality assurance training systems are the best in the industry. Our learning programs are developed in partnership with industry and education to ensure that the skills are on target to support modern industry needs, including precision measurement training, precision gauging training, and micrometer applications.

Amatrol offers excellent training systems to meet the many diverse demands in quality training. Our learning programs are equally effective for technicians, engineers, production workers, and anyone needing further understanding and skills in quality systems.

Prepare students for industrial certifications

Using the combination of physical training systems and eLearning, Amatrol teaches the skills industry professionals are looking for when hiring. Not only do students get the hands-on experience of working on real-life systems with industrial-grade components, but they also gain theoretical knowledge using Amatrol’s world-class online curriculum. Amatrol’s Quality Assurance training is ideal for any technical training center or classroom.

Measurement Tools 1 Training System

Measurement Tools 1 Learning System (950-MES1): teaches learners the fundamental principles of measurement, including basic and precision measurement and direct and indirect gauging. The concepts and skills covered in Amatrol’s in-depth curriculum are critical and used in every manufacturing plant in the world by inspectors, machinists, manufacturing engineers, and others to determine if parts meet quality standards.

Portable Quality Assurance Training Solutions

Portable Measurement Tools Learning System (990-MES1): introduces the fundamental principles of measurement including basic & precision measurement, direct & indirect gauging, and dimensional measurements using both the U.S. customary system as well as S.I. metric system. Understanding how to perform accurate measurements is relevant to technical careers such as quality control inspector, machinist, manufacturing engineer, operations manager, and production technician.

Portable Precision Gauging Learning System (990-PG1): allows learners at multiple sites to practice vital measurement skills. The 990-PG1 provides learners the opportunity to use real-world components to practice hands-on skills, such as using a plug gauge to measure the smooth bores in parts and gauging machined lips containing various defects.

High School Quality Assurance Training

In addition to learning systems geared toward post-secondary and industrial customers, Amatrol also offers systems specifically designed for high schools. One of the biggest challenges facing the workforce today is a skilled worker shortage. Because of this, Amatrol is dedicated to providing high schools with learning solutions that will cover applicable STEM knowledge and advanced manufacturing topics and skills. 

High school students working in a computer lab

High School learning systems within the quality assurance area include:

  • Measurement Tools 1 Learning System (96-MES1): introduces the fundamental principles of measurement including basic measurement, precision measurement, direct gauging, indirect gauging, and dimensional measurements using both the U.S. customary system as well as S.I. metric system.
  • Measurement Tools 2 Learning System (96-MES2): teaches the statistical process control (SPC), a fundamental underpinning of modern industry. Students will learn industry-relevant skills through application of the SPC software, including basic statistical concepts, histogram development and analysis, control chart basics, X bar and R chart operation, and control chart analysis.
  • Measurement Tools 3 Learning System (96-MES3): teaches the high demand skills of conventional and geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, a key component of quality assurance. General Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) techniques are common practice in a wide range of industries, meaning the knowledge and hands-on practice offered by the 96-MES3 will provide learners with marketable skills.

Quality Assurance Multimedia: eLearning Courses

Along with Amatrol’s hands-on learning systems, our one-of-a-kind eLearning curriculum takes training to the next level. Available 24/7 through our Learning Management System (LMS), students have easy access to educational opportunities for technical skill development previously restricted to the classroom.

An example of some of our eLearning and Virtual Training content:

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