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Virtual Student STEM Contest for Fall 2020

Looking for a STEM contest for your students that can be done completely remotely?

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The NeuroMaker Creative Challenge is an annual, open design competition in which middle school and high school students choose a socially conscious engineering problem they would like to solve and present a prototype on how they would solve it.

The 2020 Creative Challenge Theme is Improving Life for Amputees. This is a great opportunity for students to meet with engineers and ask questions via webinars and win prizes!


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How It Works:

  • Gather a Group —Ā Students participating in the Neuromaker creative challenge form a project group consisting of two to four students with an adult mentor, typically a teacher or guardian.
  • Research Ideas —Ā The group researches an issue such as helping amputees. They brainstorm ideas for how they can help with communication, eating or drinking or simply offering a handshake with a prosthetic hand.
  • Assemble Your Project —Ā The project group then uses the Brainco STEM Kit to build a hands on prototype of their solution to this issue.
  • Submit Your Prototype —Ā The project group finally arranges their research and thought process into a scientific proposal essay and records a simple video of their prototype solution which is then submitted to the Neuromaker review board for analysis.

(You can read a full description of the contest here.)

Deadline: December 20, 2020 (winners announced January 2021)

Submission Materials: Each team is required to submit one written report and one video which conveys the required information in the NeuroMaker Grading Rubric.

Prizes:Ā BrainCo engineers select six finalists, three from middle school submissions and three from high school submissions.

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1st Place


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2nd Place


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3rd Place


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Middle School


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High School


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Five additional awards will be presented to teams that recognize important engineering and personal growth traits such as empathy, creativity and perseverance.

Eligibility:Ā The NeuroMaker Creative Challenge is free for any student team that has purchased a NeuroMaker STEM kit from an approved sales channel.

How to Sign Up:Ā Fill out this form to request a competition registration.

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Christine Archer

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