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What’s New in SOLIDWORKS xDesign

SOLIDWORKS xDesign is a cloud-based solution that allows educators and students to design and access design anytime, anywhere and on any device, including mobile devices and non-Windows devices. All you need is a web browser – not powerful workstations required!
  • Simple to use — CAD and non CAD users alike, can get running with minimal or no training. Innovative features that improve workflow include Design Guidance, Superfeature, Cloud 3DPrint, connectivity to FabLab environment and more..
  • Embedded Data Management — All models are stored and managed on the cloud, iterations are created providing the user with a scalable data management capability out of the box – no deployments and set-up of traditional PDM systems.
  • Scalability — Users can easily extend their portfolio of tools as needs change within the school.
  • Secure — xDesign is hosted on a trusted, secure infrastructure owned and operated by Dassault Systemes.

Last June, xDesign underwent an update that includes more than 50 new features and functionalities to improve user’s workflow and productivity. These are some of the standout new features:


  • Context tool bar – stays open – You can now easily apply multiple dimensions to the same sketched entity
  • Context sensitive S Key- xDesign now includes the shortcut ‘S’ key to give you quick access to commonly used command. The command are context sensitive to sketching and modeling
  • First Dimension change automatically scales the entire sketch


  • Surfacing Enhancement includes Surface Extent, Knit, Fill, Rules Surface and Surface Trim


  • Make Components from Features – You can easily organize your design tree structure by grouping features that make up a component into a component and giving it an identifiable name
  • Sketch in context in Assembly
  • External references are supported for in context editing
  • Lock Mate- Group components together in the assembly and apply mates to the group
  • Transparency for Edit in Context


  • Support for import/export of additional data formats – STEP/IGES.
  • Data can be imported from 3D Drive and opened in xDesign and can also be exported to 3DDrive making it easier to share & collaborate

Material Browser

  • Material browser available within app. Allows you to quickly choose material from list of available core and covering material and quickly apply by dragging and dropping to a feature, face or product.
  • Material representation in the design tree.
  • Material replacement using simple drag and apply. There will be additional enhancements added in subsequent release to give additional flexibility when applying the material.

There are also several more upgrades for usability, collaboration, and usability enhancement for design guidance. For a full list of new SOLIDWORKS xDesign features, head over to the SOLIDWORKS blog here.

You can try out these new features yourself by signing up for the SOLDWORKS xDesign Lighthouse Program here.

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Christine Archer
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