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Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Experience immersion like never before with a device that does not require a head-mounted display (HMD) or glasses.


Every zSpace system has tracking built into the display


The zSpace stylus allows you to bring objects out of the screen as if they were real objects

Stylus Sensor Module

The Stylus Sensor Module (SSM) tracks the position of the Inspire and the stylus to create seamless, life-like 3D interactions


STEM Education
Career & Technical Education
Specialized Solutions

Career Readiness

Research, learn, and experience careers with AR/VR

career awareness

Open up the world of career possibilities for students. The immersive zSpace learning experience introduces students to a variety of careers, sparking early interest and curiosity.

Career Exploration

School is a critical time for students to develop their interests in specific fields of study and actively begin shaping their futures. With zSpace, students can explore various career paths at a deeper level empowering them to make informed decisions about their future coursework and programs of study.

Career Preparedness

Equip students with the tools needed for success at the high school and postsecondary levels. zSpace offers an unparalleled opportunity to deepen expertise in specific academic areas and programs of study. Completing certification programs and programs of study ensures that students are well-prepared for the demands of the workforce.

Awareness features:

Exploration features:

Preparedness features:

Hear Success Stories from zSpace Users

Immerse yourself in the firsthand experiences of students, educators, and institutions who have harnessed the power of zSpace for Career Readiness. Learn about their transformative journeys and highlight the impact on student engagement, skill development, and overall preparedness for the future.
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